Cheering Stations
An important element of Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend is community participation.
“A lot of people don’t realize the positive impact it has on our runners, to have spectators cheer them on,” said race director John Halvorsen, a former elite athlete himself. “This support makes a great impression on participants.”
What’s Involved
- Get a group of people together to cheer on all the marathons and half marathoner runners at a specific location along the route;
- Your location will determine the time frame to set-up and be ready to cheer
- We will provide basic noise makers to each group.
There will be prizes awarded to the top 3 cheer stations. 3 judges will pass by all registered cheering stations to evaluate them on;
- Number of people
- Over sprit and energy
- Originality (music, props, costumers, signs)
- Overall impression (the WOW factor)
The top station is awarded $2000, $1500 for second prize, $500 for third that each group can use to enhance local initiatives in their neighbourhoods.
Join in on the fun. Contact Jenn White, our Cheering Stations co-ordinator if you require more information or want to register as one of our official stations and be eligible for the ‘Community Spirit Awards.’