2018 was an enormous year for me, almost like an awakening, I decided it was time to set things right. I set my priorities straight and focused on what matters to me; physical health, mental health, love and happiness. Running was a big part of my journey as it helped with all three aspects and especially helped me push through my anxiety disorder. Along with a complete diet change, running and exercise helped me reach the peak of my form at the age of 33 and I have found a lot of pride in that.
Near the end of 2018, cancer cells were found in my gut and it was decided that the best course of action was to remove part of the gut. I struggled with the decision to go through with the operation for many reasons, and losing my peak form because of a long recovery time certainly weighed on me. I decided to go through with the operation in February, 2019.
Almost instinctively, I immediately decided to signup for the Ottawa race because deep down I knew that everything was going to be ok and that I would be ready in time. The Race for me is a challenge, a sort of motivation, to push through and not only regain my former ability, but to reach new heights.