Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend


The Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance conducted an economic impact assessment of the 2012 Tamarack Homes Ottawa Race Weekend. The study featured an on-site survey with 748 respondents representing 987 people, including 647 race participants.

The study found that 44% of all runners came from outside of the National Capital Region, with 0.83 spectators travelling with the typical out of town participant. 70% of visitors who raced on Saturday spent 1 or more nights in Ottawa, rising to 93% of Sunday participants.

The average Race Weekend visitor to Ottawa spent $246 per person, ranging from $48 per person for same-day visitors to $426 for visitors from outside of Quebec and Ontario. In total, visitor spending in Ottawa for the Race Weekend reached $10.1 million. Combining the visitor spending with the spending made by event sponsors and the race organizers yielded an initial investment of $12.8 million, which generated $12.5 million in GDP, of which $7.5 million was in Ottawa. The Ottawa Race Weekend supported $8.0 million in wages and salaries and 191 jobs throughout the province, of which 144 jobs and $5.3 million in wages and salaries were in Ottawa. A total of $5.8 million in federal, provincial and municipal taxes were supported by the event. The total economic activity associated with the Ottawa Race Weekend was $27.8million.

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