COVID-19 Update: Run Ottawa is pausing registration on all events effective immediately
A message from Executive Director, Ian Fraser
As the COVID-19 situation and directives from public health agencies continue to evolve quickly, we have decided to temporarily pause new registrations for all of Run Ottawa’s events, including Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend and Scotiabank Ottawa Marathon.
We, like all of you, love Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend, and we are very hopeful we will be able to proceed with the event as planned. However, we recognize that the situation is fluid and felt it would be best to pause all new registrations as we continue to monitor the situation.
Let us reiterate that, with over two months to go before our event, we have not yet made a decision to cancel or postpone the 2020 Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend though we realize that, for public health reasons, this may be required. We continue to be in constant contact with all relevant health authorities and we will follow their recommendations.
The health and safety of our runners, volunteers, spectators, and the community at large is our priority. We are as committed to you as you are to your training for Canada’s biggest race weekend.
Note that this pause in registration does not impact previously registered participants. We are full steam ahead with our preparations for this year’s event, and are keeping our fingers crossed that we will receive the blessing of our health authorities to proceed safely.
We are all in this together. Keep on running!