Clean shoes lose at Hoof It XC, a new event from Run Ottawa
For some, cool fall weather calls for staying indoors and curling up under a blanket. For others, it takes us back to youthful mornings spent running around the school, field or other landmarks, at the start of cross-country season.
Yes, running cross-country is one of the best ways to warm up on a chilly day. And it’s not just for students.
If you’re not familiar with cross-country, courses often take runners off the road, into the forest and onto trails where shoes are likely to get muddier than usual. Cross-country gives runners the opportunity to compete against a backdrop of fall colours as they race through the grass and mud, over bales of hay and through the tumbling leaves in the refreshing cool autumn air.
In the past, Run Ottawa has hosted the Jim Howe Memorial Races every fall in honour of one of its founding members, whose favourite running season was fall.
This year, Run Ottawa is the local organising committee for the 2021 Athletics Canada Canadian Cross Country Championships taking place at Wesley Clover Parks on November 27, and will be hosting its own open event, Hoof It XC. This event is open to the public, runners of all levels of experience, individuals in high school, university and college, running clubs, and teams. Participants are asked to register before midnight on November 20, 2021…youth 12-18 can register for free!
Never run a cross-country race? This is a great opportunity to lace up, and find out why cross-country running is loved by so many runners. This course will include grass, dirt trails, cinder blocks, wood chips. It has the potential to be muddy, wet and a lot of fun for runners of all experience levels!
Be a part of this fun and unique event on November 27 by registering here.