Beaver Chase Series – 2014 Event Round Up
By Joe Du Vall
The 21st season of Run Ottawa’s Beaver Chase Running Series, presented by Bushtukah, concluded on Tuesday, August 12th leaving from our new site at the Richcraft Recreation Complex (located in the Kanata North Business Park).
The incessant rain that poured throughout most of the day did not dampen the mood, as we sent off 46 participants who were in for a wet, muddy romp through the paths on Monk Conservation Trail. There was no need for words—the muddy legs, sopping clothes and disheveled hair told it all.  (The photo above is from an earlier (sunnier) Beaver Chase event. Photo by Ian Hunter).
This being the last event of this year’s series, several awards were passed out to those who took part in all four events between May and August:
- Rick Balderson
- Mike Blois
- Andy Fong
- Stephanie Gordon
- Britt Halvorsen
- Paul Lefebvre
- Patrick Owens
- John Tegano
- Bob Woods
Special thanks to Dave Pedley, founder of the Beaver Chase Series, who helped out with course set up and was primary mosquito magnet (route marshal) out on the trail, as well as Run Ottawa staffer, Dave Morrow, who also helped out at each event. A special thank you to Bushtukah, our presenting sponsor, who supplied merchandise prizes and everyone who came out to run each month.